Protective clothing against moths

Posted by GOO | Posted in , , , , , | Posted on 23:39


The different types of fabrics are used for the production of various types of clothing. Silk, wool, cotton, viscose, polyester, satin, velvet, linen, etc. are some examples. The fabrics are really two types of fabrics, natural and artificial substances. Natural substances are extracted from various sources in nature, such as sheep wool, silk from silkworm, cotton from cotton plants, etc. These substances are susceptible to the breeding of insects such as butterflies, mushrooms, etc. on them.

Onethe insect is the common clothes moth. They are brown and flat in shape. Usually put the clothes of wool and prefer a dark room. Dresses can be damaged by their larvae. There are many methods by which an injured because of clothes moths can be controlled via - the freezing, the use of pesticides, chemical cleaning of clothes, etc. Maintain low humidity in the atmosphere of the house does when considering the rate of growth. Prevention isalways better than cure, so the maintenance of cleanliness in the home and in the cabinets is the best option. But if the problems so as to increase the use of insecticides is the last option.

Protection in Storage Unit

If clothes are not stored and properly maintained, increases the chances of clothes moths damage clothes. You should ensure that the clothes in the closet, where it should be kept clean and dry, with no signs of insects. Even the wardrobe, whereshould be held firmly and securely built. Many things like naphthalene balls, soft drinks cupboard, flakes, mothballs, etc. may be stored in cabinets or closets to keep away the moths. These elements should be kept out of reach of children, as these products are inherently toxic. You can have chemicals and strong together in nature, therefore, whether these items, if placed in proximity to the head in plastic hangers, bags and buttons to their melts. The fumes created by theirkill the insects breed on their clothes.

Dry cleaning and washing clothes

Wash clothes in hot water is the easiest and cheapest way to kill moths. The materials that are washable at home, could be purified in this way. Wool and silk garments should be dry cleaned. Cleaning and recycling prevents the growth of moths, these insects as ruined clothes sanitation to those who prefer clean.

Freeze and heat the clothes

Onemethods to kill the moths, is to sterilize the clothes dry ice, where the temperature is kept below 18 ° C. and stored in the temperature of heating above 120 ° C. The processing of materials in extreme temperatures destroy the insects.
Prevention and reduction

These moths collected mainly on wool fabrics and old messages. Consequently, are regular and wool clothes must be clean, the sun once a month, when the sun's heat kills the insects are exposed tobecause they can not withstand the heat and sunlight. Cleaning of woolen garments by vacuum or brush is also a good option.


If all other methods of control moths prove ineffective, then spraying insecticide on the clothes is beneficial. Start with pyrethrin insecticides can be sprayed directly onto clothing, provided that the materials are not without blemish, and are not very soft as silk, satin, velvet, etc., before securingRead the instructions and warnings.

Care for special fabrics

There are some points that need specialized care and treatment of tissues to protect them from moths, such as home textiles, fur products and carpets. The best way to protect the products of the skin, is to store with mothballs, flakes or crystals. Fur flies regularly for the attempt. Do not spray insecticides on them.

The small rugs can be dry cleaning. In the case of wall to wallCarpets insecticides could be applied on the edges and on both sides. The amount of spray area should be relatively less in order to avoid stains. Sometimes feathers or hair are filled or taken various furnishings. Moth-free so that they could be treated by fumigation of dry ice or the control of pests in storage drive.


▪ The clothes, which tend to dry more clothes moths must be cleaned at regular intervals and storedcontainers tightly closed.

▪ the use of cedar discourages the growth of the moths, then, if possible, store wools in cedar chests or trunks.

▪ to immediately clean the food stains from clothing, as if you leave that promotes the growth of the moths. Do not spray perfume on wool products, but can neutered to other tissues and skin. The strong smell of perfume are not attractive to moths.

▪ The Parliament and Government was able to vacuum cleaningCleaner at regular intervals.


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